Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wow time flies

So it has been so long since I have posted anything on here, so lets see where do I start... My parents got home from their mission in June, right before Fathers Day, so we planned to bless Brylee on Fathers Day, and it was also Ellysa's Birthday she turned 6 years old, Wow how time flies... It was a great day with Family and friends around to share this day with us... In July we took a trip to Idaho Falls for a family reunion, That was fun.

Also in July I decited to take the test and class to get my CDL to drive a school bus that was a lot of work but proud to say I finished the class and yes I did pass it, so you might see me out on the road in a big yellow bus but don't worry I'm not that bad.

We went to the Oquirrh Mountain open house as a family with my parents and a few brothers and sisters and their kids and also my kids. that was fun getting together to go there..

In august well this month has flown by so fast I can't believe it is over. School started, and I now have two kids in school all day it is great, and they love going to school, they have great teachers. Ellysa had surgery yesterday the 28th to start the process to remove the big mole on her face, she is so excited to have it removed it was a long day, but the first one is over with.

Brylee is almost 5 months and is weighing in at 16.2 pounds and is 26 inches long, she cries a lot, and loves to be held, but I love her so much. we are all so busy with a crazy life so I will try to be better at this... Enjoy a few pics and I will post more soon...