Monday, September 7, 2009

The Blessing of Brylee Kaye Waters

Brylee was Blessed on June 21, 2009. On Fathers Day and also Ellysa's Birthday, it was such a great day. My parents had just gotten home from their Mission and my dad did the blessing, it was so great. My mom made the most beautiful blessing dress for her, and she looked gorgeous! I am so greatful that I have a mom that can help me out and make my girls blessing dresses. It will be a day that will always be remembered forever... Brylee I am so greatful that Heavenly Father sent you to me you are such a great blessing.. I LOVE YOU!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wow time flies

So it has been so long since I have posted anything on here, so lets see where do I start... My parents got home from their mission in June, right before Fathers Day, so we planned to bless Brylee on Fathers Day, and it was also Ellysa's Birthday she turned 6 years old, Wow how time flies... It was a great day with Family and friends around to share this day with us... In July we took a trip to Idaho Falls for a family reunion, That was fun.

Also in July I decited to take the test and class to get my CDL to drive a school bus that was a lot of work but proud to say I finished the class and yes I did pass it, so you might see me out on the road in a big yellow bus but don't worry I'm not that bad.

We went to the Oquirrh Mountain open house as a family with my parents and a few brothers and sisters and their kids and also my kids. that was fun getting together to go there..

In august well this month has flown by so fast I can't believe it is over. School started, and I now have two kids in school all day it is great, and they love going to school, they have great teachers. Ellysa had surgery yesterday the 28th to start the process to remove the big mole on her face, she is so excited to have it removed it was a long day, but the first one is over with.

Brylee is almost 5 months and is weighing in at 16.2 pounds and is 26 inches long, she cries a lot, and loves to be held, but I love her so much. we are all so busy with a crazy life so I will try to be better at this... Enjoy a few pics and I will post more soon...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My kids and New baby

Wow Since Brylee has arrived, Life is crazy, There is no time to do anything, My kids love holding the baby, and helping as much as they can, which is nice sometimes. Kaizley has taken claim on Brylee's bouncer and says Brylee gets the swing I try to teach her that we can share but she won't have it. she loves to hold her and feed her a bottle all by herself. it is cute, I hope that when they are older they will be good friends. I feel blessed to have my 4 beautiful kids. I love them so much and don't know what I would do without them.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

She's Here! She's Here!

My bundle of joy is here. Brylee Kaye Waters got here at 9:59am, just in time for conference. She weighed 7lbs. 15oz. and is 19 1/2in long. She is so cute and has a chubby little round face.

More pictures to come.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baby, baby baby

Wow this has gone by so fast I can't believe that she is almost here. I went to the doctors yesterday and I am dialated to a three. wow he said she could come anytime. I am so excited to meet her and to see what she looks like. Unlike my other pregnancies this one is different. I have gestational diabetes, never had it with the other ones, so i was put on a special diet, where I feel like I am getting jipped, I can not have chocolate! how do women get by without that. well it has been hard, but I have been strong, but I want chocolate after I have her. then I found out that I have tested positive for That strep culture, I have never had it with the other ones, But I knew I would get it cause this one is different, Oh well that one is not that bad, cause I don't have to change anything for that I just have to make sure that I get enough of the antibiotics before she is delivered. Oh well that shouldn't be too bad. I have been getting everything ready, I thought I would wait to the last minute cause I just figured if I do it too early it would make it seem like it will still be a long time before she gets here, so I am doing it now... well stay tuned for pictures of Baby Brylee when I have her. I can't wait.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Draper Temple Open House

Monday, January 5, 2009

pictures coming soon


A little late but better late than never. The kids had a pretty good Christmas and were very surprised that they got anything thanks to family. Jaxon got up at 2 in the morning and got sent back to bed wow what a flash back from when I was younger we used to look out our window to see who would get up first in the neighborhood. then we would try to get our parents to let us get up. We went and had breakfast at joe's Parents house it was very good. then we came over to Amy's house for more food later in the day I think that is all we do is eat. but it is good food. Hope everyone had a great holiday.